
Chicago is our home; a diverse city of peoples, cultures and neighborhoods

Lead with focused solutions, targeted strategies and professional implementation

Go to market. We create and present targeted, personalized offers. With creative media and motivation, the formula creates revenue.
It all starts with a good message with a great wrapper. We help craft your story and present it effectively. Everthing counts!  Brand building from simple messaging to creating authority in your niche.
Audiences drive the performance. It's about people inside and out. WIIFM From building your team, to knowing the user.

We create value in each experience. Value creates measurable results and builds business.

Years of real estate experience

Quartana creates relationships and revenue. The cornerstones of business success.
It is the "how", not just "what" we do that is our difference

Mistakes made and lessons learned

Years of digital experience

Years of sales and marketing  experience

Mistakes made and lessons learned

We connect people through communication and rewarding experiences.

We create simple solutions
for complex problems.

Good business and service is our bottom line mission for each client.

We produce more sales, more profit, better business.

Use PRO, our dynamic sales strategy  and process that creates and converts sales.
Contact Us

205 N Michigan
Chicago, Il 60601


A Generative Approach

Quartana aims at being a generative entity, producing solutions that hold a better thought, truth or value to every generation.
We believe in the Golden Rule and The Man in the Arena. It is our actions that will determine our fate. It is our duty to serve as best we can here and now.

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